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create_composite(RGB_image, label_image, label_blending_weight=0.5, IDs_to_labels=None, grayscale_RGB_overlay=True)

Create a three-panel composite with an RGB image and a label


Name Type Description Default
RGB_image ndarray

(h, w, 3) rgb image to be used directly as one panel

label_image ndarray

(h, w) image containing either integer labels or float scalars. Will be colormapped prior to display.

label_blending_weight float

Opacity for the label in the blended composite. Defaults to 0.5.

IDs_to_labels Union[None, dict]

Mapping from integer IDs to string labels. Used to compute colormap. If None, a continous colormap is used. Defaults to None.

grayscale_RGB_overlay bool

Convert the RGB image to grayscale in the overlay. Default is True.



Type Description

If the RGB image cannot be interpreted as such


Type Description

np.ndarray: (h, 3*w, 3) horizontally composited image

Source code in geograypher/utils/
def create_composite(
    RGB_image: np.ndarray,
    label_image: np.ndarray,
    label_blending_weight: float = 0.5,
    IDs_to_labels: typing.Union[None, dict] = None,
    grayscale_RGB_overlay: bool = True,
    """Create a three-panel composite with an RGB image and a label

        RGB_image (np.ndarray):
            (h, w, 3) rgb image to be used directly as one panel
        label_image (np.ndarray):
            (h, w) image containing either integer labels or float scalars. Will be colormapped
            prior to display.
        label_blending_weight (float, optional):
            Opacity for the label in the blended composite. Defaults to 0.5.
        IDs_to_labels (typing.Union[None, dict], optional):
            Mapping from integer IDs to string labels. Used to compute colormap. If None, a
            continous colormap is used. Defaults to None.
        grayscale_RGB_overlay (bool):
            Convert the RGB image to grayscale in the overlay. Default is True.

        ValueError: If the RGB image cannot be interpreted as such

        np.ndarray: (h, 3*w, 3) horizontally composited image
    if RGB_image.ndim != 3 or RGB_image.shape[2] != 3:
        raise ValueError("Invalid RGB error")

    if RGB_image.dtype == np.uint8:
        # Rescale to float range and implicitly cast
        RGB_image = RGB_image / 255

    if not (label_image.ndim == 3 and label_image.shape[2] == 3):
        # If it's a one channel image make it not have a channel dim
        label_image = np.squeeze(label_image)

        vis_options = get_vis_options_from_IDs_to_labels(IDs_to_labels)
        cmap = plt.get_cmap(vis_options["cmap"])
        null_mask = np.logical_or(
            label_image == NULL_TEXTURE_INT_VALUE,
        if not vis_options["discrete"]:
            # Shift
            label_image = label_image - np.nanmin(label_image)
            # Find the max value that's not the null vlaue
            valid_pixels = label_image[np.logical_not(null_mask)]
            if valid_pixels.size > 0:
                # TODO this might have to be changed to nanmax in the future
                max_value = np.max(valid_pixels)
                # Scale
                label_image = label_image / max_value
            # Convert it to an int so it's used to directly index the colormap
            label_image = label_image.astype(np.uint8)

        # Perform the colormapping
        label_image = cmap(label_image)[..., :3]
        # Mask invalid values
        label_image[null_mask] = 0

    # Create a blended image
    if grayscale_RGB_overlay:
        RGB_for_composite = np.tile(
            np.mean(RGB_image, axis=2, keepdims=True), (1, 1, 3)
        RGB_for_composite = RGB_image
    overlay = ((1 - label_blending_weight) * RGB_for_composite) + (
        label_blending_weight * label_image
    # Concatenate the images horizonally
    composite = np.concatenate((label_image, RGB_image, overlay), axis=1)
    # Cast to np.uint8 for saving
    composite = (composite * 255).astype(np.uint8)
    return composite

create_pv_plotter(off_screen, force_xvfb=False, plotter=None)

Create a pyvista plotter while handling offscreen rendering


Name Type Description Default
off_screen bool

Whether the plotter should be offscreen

force_xvfb bool

Should XVFB be used for rendering by default. Defaults to False.

plotter None, pv.Plotter)

Existing plotter to use, will just return it if not None. Defaults to None

Source code in geograypher/utils/
def create_pv_plotter(
    off_screen: bool,
    force_xvfb: bool = False,
    plotter: typing.Union[None, pv.Plotter] = None,
    """Create a pyvista plotter while handling offscreen rendering

        off_screen (bool):
            Whether the plotter should be offscreen
        force_xvfb (bool, optional):
            Should XVFB be used for rendering by default. Defaults to False.
        plotter ((None, pv.Plotter), optional):
            Existing plotter to use, will just return it if not None. Defaults to None
    # If a valid plotter has not been passed in create one
    if not isinstance(plotter, pv.Plotter):
        # Catch the warning that there is not xserver running
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            # Create the plotter which may be onscreen or off
            plotter = pv.Plotter(off_screen=off_screen)

        # Start xvfb if requested or the system is not running an xserver
        if force_xvfb or (len(w) > 0 and "pyvista.start_xvfb()" in str(w[0].message)):
            # Start a headless renderer
    return plotter

get_vis_options_from_IDs_to_labels(IDs_to_labels, cmap_continous='viridis', cmap_10_classes='tab10', cmap_20_classes='tab20', cmap_many_classes='viridis')

Determine vis options based on a given IDs_to_labels object


Name Type Description Default
IDs_to_labels Union[None, dict]


cmap_continous str

Colormap to use if the values are continous. Defaults to "viridis".

cmap_10_classes str

Colormap to use if the values are discrete and there are 10 or fewer classes. Defaults to "tab10".

cmap_20_classes str

Colormap to use if the values are discrete and there are 11-20 classes. Defaults to "tab20".

cmap_many_classes str

Colormap to use if there are more than 20 classes. Defaults to "viridis".



Name Type Description

Containing the cmap, vmin/vmax, and whether the colormap is discrete

Source code in geograypher/utils/
def get_vis_options_from_IDs_to_labels(
    IDs_to_labels: typing.Union[None, dict],
    cmap_continous: str = "viridis",
    cmap_10_classes: str = "tab10",
    cmap_20_classes: str = "tab20",
    cmap_many_classes: str = "viridis",
    """Determine vis options based on a given IDs_to_labels object

        IDs_to_labels (typing.Union[None, dict]): _description_
        cmap_continous (str, optional):
            Colormap to use if the values are continous. Defaults to "viridis".
        cmap_10_classes (str, optional):
            Colormap to use if the values are discrete and there are 10 or fewer classes. Defaults to "tab10".
        cmap_20_classes (str, optional):
            Colormap to use if the values are discrete and there are 11-20 classes. Defaults to "tab20".
        cmap_many_classes (str, optional):
            Colormap to use if there are more than 20 classes. Defaults to "viridis".

        dict: Containing the cmap, vmin/vmax, and whether the colormap is discrete
    # This could be written in fewer lines of code but I kept it intentionally explicit

    if IDs_to_labels is None:
        # No IDs_to_labels means it's continous
        cmap = cmap_continous
        vmin = None
        vmax = None
        discrete = False
        # Otherwise, we can determine the max class ID
        max_ID = np.max(list(IDs_to_labels.keys()))

        if max_ID < 10:
            # 10 or fewer discrete classes
            cmap = cmap_10_classes
            vmin = -0.5
            vmax = 9.5
            discrete = True
        elif max_ID < 20:
            # 11-20 discrete classes
            cmap = cmap_20_classes
            vmin = -0.5
            vmax = 19.5
            discrete = True
            # More than 20 classes. There are no good discrete colormaps for this, so we generally
            # fall back on displaying it with a continous colormap
            cmap = cmap_many_classes
            vmin = None
            vmax = None
            discrete = False

    return {"cmap": cmap, "vmin": vmin, "vmax": vmax, "discrete": discrete}